Culture and Lifestyle in England That You Should Know

Culture and Lifestyle in England That You Should Know

Culture and Lifestyle in England That You Should Know –  When you arrive in England, it may be very surprising because people’s behavior in Indonesia can be very different. British people are notoriously hard to read, but you have to know that deep down they are good people. Read our preparation guide and you’ll be ‘like a house on fire’, as the British say

Culture and Lifestyle in England That You Should Know

Culture and Lifestyle in England That You Should Know

lxnews – If you are surprised, this is normal, so try talking to people you know who have lived in or visited the UK as they will be able to answer all your questions and you can listen to their experiences yourself. .

Campus life in the UK
Campus life tends to be relaxed and informal, and most staff welcome and encourage students to come chat with them; whether it is about the subject or course or anything related to the student’s needs. Of course, you will always have teachers who are more formal and less social – don’t worry, you can choose them quite easily. Make sure you take advantage of the support provided; all universities will also have students’ unions and international student support services in one form or another.


How to prepare for British lifestyle and culture

Socializing in England
If you greet someone, especially when meeting for the first time, shake your hand. easy is a common form of greeting (a firmer handshake for more formal scenarios). Many young men hold hands and hug, while young women just stop after hugging. British people can seem stiff or formal, so it’s important to make eye contact (although prolonged eye contact can make people feel uncomfortable, especially on public transport).


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A-Z of British Culture: Accents

Unlike in Indonesia, asking someone’s age or income is considered impolite; So when you meet someone for the first time, keep the conversation simple about how they’re doing and what they’re up to (you often hear British people commenting on the weather!). Although British people may seem a bit reserved at first, you will soon realize how friendly and welcoming they are.

When you have dinner in England
Etiquette in England is continental. The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right hand. Once you have finished eating, place your knife and fork to the right of the plate to signal to guests that you are finished. However, due to the increasing diversity of national dishes from other countries, along with the settling of new ethnic groups in the country, you will never be short of food or souvenirs from home.

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However, don’t expect every dinner to be a perfect trio. a course affair like you might have seen in Downton Abbey. For example, many dishes in the world must be eaten with the hands; and as long as you’re not too rude, you’ll be a welcome guest.


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Sport in England
Sport is an important part of life in the UK and is growing rapidly following the huge success of the 2012 London Olympics. Most people have a football team. Supporting Saturdays from August to May, supporters travel en masse to stadiums, bars and homes to watch games. There is also rugby, horse racing, boxing, cricket and athletics which have many followers, heroes of national fame and a rich history behind them.


Invented in England: Sports: Sports were invented in England

British people love to be active and there are many beautiful parks for jogging. Universities often have several sports clubs to join, with options ranging from football and netball to rarer sports such as capoeira and belly dancing. It’s not only a great way to stay fit, but it’s also a great social opportunity to make new friends. If you’re looking for adventure while improving your fitness, you can also trek to some of the UK’s most beautiful mountains, such as Mount Snowdon in North Wales.

Arts and theater in England
Theater and the performing arts are also very popular in the UK, with London’s beautiful West End hosting dance performances, musicals and popular shows from all over the world. World Shows are often performed all over the country and most venues have one or more local theaters nearby where you can catch a show. The stage is also given to talented writers and directors who develop small-scale works with the help of various arts councils and organizations to cultivate local talent. Another benefit of seeing these shows live is that you can enjoy the beautiful architecture of the theaters themselves, some of which survived the war, such as the Drury Lane Theater Royal.

Dress like a British citizen
You might be surprised at what clothes are worn at British universities. Students tend to choose choices that are comfortable and suitable for the weather, tend to be relaxed and informal, but also elegant with natural colors. You’ll want to buy a good jacket to arrive on campus dry, rather than sitting in wet clothes during your classes.